
The Forex Market And Its Three Distinctive Elements

Although there are many distinctive elements of the Forex market, there are three that can be highlighted as helping new traders learn exactly what the foreign exchange market is all about. These distinctive elements are those that every new trader should know long before they make their first trade. The Forex system is one that is made to encompass the entire globe. It can be difficult to interpret and even more difficult to successfully trade within. The first step to being a successful trader is knowing how the system works. Before you even think about opening a Forex account, be sure that you are familiar with the foreign exchange market's three distinctive elements: geographical, functional, and participant.


The Forex is a huge market that encompasses the entire globe. This is a market that spans from North America to Europe, to China, and back. There is no area it doesn't touch which makes the market so popular. There is simply something for everyone within the Forex market. Its easy 24 hour a day access makes it even more attractive for investors. No matter what time of day you want to trade, there will be someone trading in some distant location around the world. Although there is trading in the Forex in every corner of the globe, the major exchanges are Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bahrain, London, New York, San Francisco, and Sydney. The geographical element of the foreign exchange market can help new traders realize the size and volume of the Forex. It is simply unmatched in volume and size making it a powerful tool for investors everywhere.


The entire Forex market functions to transfer purchasing power between countries. When trades are made, partners are converting currency revenues into their domestic currency. When one country's purchasing power is strong, another country's purchasing power may be weaker. The Forex market also functions to obtain and provide credit for international trade and to avoid an exchange rate disaster. When it comes to international trade, the Forex is helpful because it helps the movement of goods between countries and offers credit for financing.


There are two main parts to the foreign exchange market. The first part is the interbank, which is often called the wholesale market. The second part is the client, which is often called the retail market. In these two categories are approximately five different types of participants. The first type of participant being the bank and non-bank foreign exchange dealers who buy at bid prices and sell at asking prices. This helps the efficiency of the market as a whole. An interesting thing to note is that by trading currencies, banks often make up to 20% of their profits.

The second type of participants is made up of individuals, and commercial and investment firms. This group consists of importers, exporters, tourists, and other portfolio investors. They use the market to help them invest. These are often the participants who use the Forex to hedge, which is a way to reduce their risk.

The third group type that seeks to profit from the foreign exchange market are s speculators and arbitragers. These people are out to make money for themselves. They are acting in their own self-interest. They seek profitable rate changes in order to help them profit and try to profit with the least possible risk involved. Large banks are sometimes a part of this group.

Also involved in the Forex are central banks and treasuries. They use it to change the value of their own currency, or to at least attempt to do so. This is something that they do with reserves. Their motive is not to profit but to influence the market. They want the value of their domestic currency to benefit their interests.

Foreign exchange brokers are the last of the five groups involved in the participant element of the Forex. These participants are those who facilitate trading but are not partners in the transaction. They typically charge a fee for their service, which is most often on a commission scale. They are often seen as go betweens for large traders.

by forexscreen

Shoes Or Forex?

Most people, who want to establish a financially-secure future, choose to start their own business by trading goods like shoes, art, crafts, clothing or antiques.

A friend of mine set up a trading business in Indonesia . We met when we were still earning our degrees in Melbourne , Australia . He imports steel and plastic from China and distributes them to his home country. It took him two years before his business stabilized and he is now making a good living out of it.

Even though there is now an ocean between us, we manage to talk once a year over the telephone. He asked me once if I wanted to meet him in a trade show in China . He learnt how to speak Mandarin so he finds it easy to get around China . With his ability to communicate with the Chinese, he offered his assistance to me if I ever wanted to start my own import or export business.

I had the option of trading in whatever goods I wanted. According to my friend, it could be 'anything you can think of'. Had I taken the option, I would have traded shoes because I can vary my investment size according to my financial capability. With limited funds to invest, I can buy only a few pairs of shoes. If I can find a lot of money to invest, I can order big too. I had a couple of months to decide. So I did some thinking.

Readers of this article may not be considering trading shoes, but I will use it as an example to help you decide about the choices available to you.


For someone to trade shoes, you would have to:
1. Research the local market for shoes,
2. Find out more about the big players in the shoe business,
3. Get acquainted with the different types of shoes and how much they are selling for,
4. Find out what costs are involved in importing shoes and
5. Determine how you can market and distribute them.
6. When I trade currencies, I have all the information I need by looking at a chart. It takes a long time to learn to do this well, but so does selling shoes.


To order a thousand pairs of shoes, you would require a lot more money than what it takes to start trading forex: usually, anything between $200 to $300 is sufficient. (In my book: The Part-Time Currency Trader , I discuss the costs of trading forex).


To start, you would have to establish the paperwork necessary to ensure that you get familiar with the legalities of the goods you wish to import and distribute.

What if a particular shipment of shoes does not sell, because even though they may have been popular in other countries, consumers in your country might not like it? Do you have more money to order another batch?

What if the stock you buy is defective and the seller does not want to have anything more to do with you? You can take them to court, but can you muster the resources to do so? You can threaten them by not doing business with them ever again, but would they care when they have other businesses to deal with?


Successful entrepreneurs have taken at least two years to stabilize their business. Others take a lot longer. When starting and building a business, your expectations need to be set for the long term, because it will take time.

Harrison Ford — the famous American actor — had a strategy. He saw that many of the actors, who came to Hollywood with dreams of becoming superstars, gave up because it was too hard. So he figured that he could succeed one day, if he could only persevere with all the hardships associated with his endeavour.

Your ability to stay focused on a task long enough to attain success would be greatly improved if you liked what you do. Would you enjoy being surrounded with things related to shoes for most of your life, or would you hate it?


The forex market is open 24 hours a day. You can buy and sell currencies in your pyjamas at midnight if you like and the transaction is complete before you go back to bed.


There are advantages in trading shoes, but I could see more benefits in trading currencies. You do not need to worry about the process of importing or exporting, transporting goods, defective items, marketing and distribution as well as ensuring that you are complying with the law. Furthermore, in forex, you do not have to invest too much just to 'test the waters'.


A month later, I rang my friend and told him that I might take him up on his offer in the future, if it was still available. However for the moment, I explained that I had more passion for currencies than I had for shoes. He laughed and we agreed to meet one day so that I can tell him more about currencies.